We constantly limit ourselves during our lives. Out of fear or whatever, we always brake ourselves from doing certain things. Morality, instinct, paranoia, insecurity, I don't know. We all brake ourselves for one reason or another. Some of our brakes sometimes become vices, and being able to loosen that brake is just reinvigorating.
I know, for example, that sometimes I feel an overwhelming fear of making mistakes when drawing. An overwhelming fear of having proportions wrong. And then one day I realized how relieved I felt when I've done exactly what I feared: I started making everything wrong on purpose. Giant faces to a normal body, unpaired members, asymmetry.
But here we go with that paradoxal thing again: as much as loosening can unvice us, it can become a vice itself. I find that a dangerous drawback. I know that I've loosen myself when it comes to my academic stuff, not being paranoid all the time with not making it, and now I'm reaching a point of nearly not giving a shit anymore.
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