- Bell's spaceship paradox (special relativity)
- Brownian ratchet (Richard Feynman's "perpetual motion" machine that does not violate the second law and does no work at thermal equilibrium)
- Bucket argument – argues that space is absolute, not relational
- Double-slit experiment (quantum mechanics)
- Elitzur–Vaidman bomb-tester (quantum mechanics)
- Einstein's box
- EPR paradox (quantum mechanics) (forms of this have actually been performed)
- Feynman sprinkler (classical mechanics)
- Galileo's ship (classical relativity principle) 1632
- Galileo's Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment (rebuttal of Aristotelian Gravity)
- GHZ experiment (quantum mechanics)
- Heisenberg's microscope (quantum mechanics)
- Kepler's Dream (change of point of view as support for the Copernican hypothesis)
- Ladder paradox (special relativity)
- Laplace's demon
- Maxwell's demon (thermodynamics) 1871
- Monkey and the Hunter, The (gravitation)
- Moving magnet and conductor problem
- Newton's cannonball (Newton's laws of motion)
- Popper's experiment (quantum mechanics)
- Quantum pseudo telepathy (quantum mechanics)
- Quantum suicide (quantum mechanics)
- Schrödinger's cat (quantum mechanics)
- Sticky bead argument (general relativity)
- Renninger negative-result experiment (quantum mechanics)
- Twin paradox (special relativity)
- Wheeler's delayed choice experiment (quantum mechanics)
- Wigner's friend (quantum mechanics)
- Artificial brain
- Avicenna's Floating Man
- Bellum omnium contra omnes
- Big Book (ethics)
- Brain-in-a-vat (epistemology, philosophy of mind)
- Brainstorm machine
- Buridan's ass
- Changing places (reflexive monism, philosophy of mind)
- China brain (physicalism, philosophy of mind)
- Chinese room (philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, cognitive science)
- Coherence (philosophical gambling strategy)
- Condillac's Statue (epistemology)
- Gettier problem (epistemology)
- Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān (epistemology)
- Hilary Putnam's Twin Earth thought experiment in the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind
- How many men? (taxation as theft)
- Inverted spectrum
- Kavka's toxin puzzle
- Mary's room (philosophy of mind)
- Molyneux's Problem (admittedly, this oscillated between empirical and a-priori assessment)
- Newcomb's paradox
- Original position (politics)
- Philosophical zombie (philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence, cognitive science)
- Plank of Carneades
- Prisoner's Dilemma
- Ship of Theseus, The (concept of identity)
- Simulated reality (philosophy, computer science, cognitive science)
- Social contract theories
- Survival lottery, The (ethics)
- Swamp man (personal identity, philosophy of mind)
- Shoemaker's "Time Without Change" (metaphysics)
- Ticking time bomb scenario (ethics)
- Teleport (metaphysics)
- Trolley problem (ethics)
- The Violinist (ethics)
- Utility monster (ethics)
- Zeno's paradoxes (classical Greek problems of the infinite)
- Balls and vase problem (infinity and cardinality)
- Gabriel's Horn (infinity)
- Infinite monkey theorem (probability)
- Lottery paradox (probability)
- Sleeping beauty paradox (probability)
Computer science
- Halting problem (limits of computability)
- Turing machine (limits of computability)
- Two Generals' Problem
- Dining Philosophers (computer science)
- Buttered cat paradox
- Braitenberg vehicles (robotics, neural control and sensing systems) (some have actually been built)
- Doomsday argument (anthropic principle)
- Dyson sphere
- The Lady, or the Tiger? (human nature)
- The Planiverse
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