The dormancy is also equivalent to a skill that rusts. After all, I know that every skill requires some kind of sensibility to feel connected to them, and with time, without practice, this connection withers, so I have to warm it up for it to feel prime again.
Also, the taming of a motif requires sensibility, and the one I had towards certain motifs when in the golden, enthusiastic age of their discovery seems to weaken if I'm not practicing them. After all, for reasons still unknown, not all motifs are born perennial, so they will lie dormant, lost in time, and I have to drag them back to my consciousness by reviving my sensibility towards them.
One of the reasons why motifs I find on this blog that are dormant and don't do their job that is to stir my emotional response is because I forget names are supposed to be only some form of a vessel for the motif. That is, they help me be aware of the motif's existance, though the motif is not supposed to be the name itself. It's hard to explain, but it feels like opening a bottle and letting the shapeless fragrance fill the room.
It seems that if I concentrate myself enough, dedicate myself enough on feeling the nameless emotional response that is the motif, and then reattaining my sensibility towards it, it can be revived again. So while I can't find the answer for making dormant motifs become perennial, this will be a paliative trick to help me for my current needs.
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