When paying attention to how the mind works it would be vital to know the process and its phases. I have such a curiosity to understand it that I wish I could slow my mind down to see when, where and how the idea erupts. It appears to me that paying attention to my emotional responses is good for that.
There's something here that I feel to be closer to the Loudening motif, which is how the mind works to understand better a fast activity after some practice. Hyper-fast arpeggios are insane to someone who hasn't barely learned the chords yet, but for a veteran musician these almost-invisible fast notes can be seen by him as if it was almost normal speed. So the point here isn't that the process is slowed-down, but the mind seems to work faster to follow the process, but the outcome seems to be similar.
So I wonder, can I develop the statistics of my mind such as perception sensibility to improve the statistics of generation of ideas...
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