Friday, November 30, 2012

Of String Scrolls

My ambition grows with the possibilities that appear with this story to be told. So not only I want my emotions to be turned into characters, but I also intend to create the events from that world to be based on events from my life. Every step must be slowly calculated as here I’m dealing with Rubik’s Vertices. Every miscalculation will affect negatively its surrounding aspects. So I want to create here some sort of rules for me to follow when developing this project.

One of the most relevant things I’ve been noticing - and its subject will be the first scroll to record ideas and doubts about this theme - is the importance of the story as a story per se. I want the Creator’s Paradox to be avoided the most I can, and every little element and event being represented in the story. But the tale has to be given more importance than quintessential materialization. That is, there is no point in having a perfect materialization if there is a story without a flow. So, how this Fire Ensemble could work in a story if I can no longer be condescending to the idea they are just emotions inside me, but actual characters living in a world?

The second scroll refers to the thoughts on how events can be represented in the story. After all, not all events in my life can be direct events in the story, or at least not for now. They are, though, how they reverberate inside me. But how do I explain the rise of Älcke without a triggering event inside me? Or then, moving out in real life isn’t to be a retreat to a distant land like I thought in the October Wars. In fact, the war was still on (and still inside me). But I had the courage to have this new adventurous and challenging generation, so it could be like Zhu Rong had managed to find strength to run the defenses for some more time. And it’s failure and disappointment with my skills that brings up Ushag, but inside the story, what would represent his own ascension and increased power?

The third scroll is about dealing with essences and characters. For instance, Áine is supposed to represent love and empathy, but it can’t be a characteristic only she can show, the same way she can show some different shades of personality. And this breach in October caused by Hephaestus or lack of experience on Vesta’s side? It’s the string problem towards knowing when one flame makes a mistake, or when a scourger or saboteer makes a move. This is what makes characters more interesting, as they grow from archetypes and stereotypes to actual characters. Each character’s main trait is to remain evident, but it can’t outshine other features

Fourth scroll is about how events can be effective in the story. I can work with events in more sophisticated ways than warriors fighting. In fact, I can invest in dialogues rather than battles (and the idea of dark mirrors of my flames is something I want to avoid the most I can, even Hephaestosis is hard to find a place for him to fit in). Also, I think this is the place is where I can wonder about whether emotions can also be in places and scenarios to represent them, instead of all scourgers (so I can create some beneficial presences through that, considering I’ve got the five flames locked in that number).

The fifth scroll is about the tricky thing that is how the battle of flames and Scourgers can be a war of their own. That is, I am not any presence there, and the Scourgers have to be menacing to the flames themselves. And the flames must have their own cause. It’s in the fifth scroll I store the problem with Wormtongue, as he seems to talk more directly to me and is so hard to put in the story (and how the flames and scourgers will meet?). Maybe he is even a character in another layer of interpretation, when they are talking to me.

The sixth scroll is about the harmony of styles of the whole thing. Not only for the names, but also for the project of materializing them in images. I get inspiration from so many places, that it actually made me more aware of the danger that is the complete mess it can become if I am not careful. Unfortunately, some disharmonies are expected to happen because some ideas were before the whole concern about this harmony. And for now I am not worried about fixing those disharmonies like names that don’t follow the logic of undercurrent meaning (like Qareen).

The seventh scroll is about the story that is told while I keep bringing new things in. For instance, what was of the Raseri's clan in the months before I brought it in? Was it a leaderless tribe? And next things I will create, how that will be explained? Maybe I could act like nothing had ever happened, but I can't get well with that.