One of these days I was watching some random tree, and I was thinking of how I could draw it. I noticed then that I was using several of my ideas at once. Tasting, breathing, and trying to hold it whole in my head while layering it down to get its nuclearity.
These ideas grow together, like they're all branches of each other. Sometimes they share so much in common I think they are just part of one main thing, something so complex I can only chew a small chunk of it at once (Wholeness, do something about that!).
That's actually what makes it so hard to write about them, as they are all connected, and I can't talk about one without mentioning the other, and I don't know which one is the requirement of the other one.
Spices, mindscapes, sparkles, tasting, soundtracking. I've grown surprised to realize they work together in sinergy. It has to do with fluency, making they all connect with no effort. Lucky me it's one less skill to worry developing.
Also, naming, firm grip, marching pace, formulation, fluency, wholeness, ungapping, layering, analogism, hybridism, seasoning, growing, logistics, they represent a different kind of intertwined ideas. I know their leader is Solidity, so this is the name to represent the whole group, just like Tasting could represent the other group.
There's also a third group, whose leader is obviously Mindtrap. Vices, polarization, metatraps, petty realizations, jumping, osmosing, mermaid words. Those would be the, huh, criminals. Drawbacking and doublethinking and loosening are agents that protect me from them.
Some things are hard to classify, like breathing, gamification, they seem to belong to both. Sour fuel seems to belong nowhere, though it's a motivation issue, it could be.. hm, I'll eventually find a place for them all.
If I think of the previous groups as departments, Tasting governs the Department of Resources, as they represent the poetry and creativity, and it's where my emotional sensibility lies.
Solidity runs the Department of Development, and it represents the executive power. It aims to search for efficiency and a way to make things work. It's my logical side, and it's what shows through the most on this blog. Mindtrap is elected to run the Department of Law, and it means policing against heading to the wrong roads.
If I use Drawback Lens, I'll see that Solidity, for example, is only one political party with power. It's got an opposition force, clearly. The opposition force constantly protests against the problems inherent to it. The members of opposite force wear scarfs and hate hollywood movies. Ops, polarization.
Anyway, so that's enough for now. There's still a whole lot to work on this, because even though I'm calling them Departments, they're also deeply intertwined, and I need to think of the connections they share. But I guess formulation did its work already. It's only half of the road, but as now I'm glad I have a basic structure to work on, and I guess it can resist some smaller storms.
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