I'm still learning the logistics of the Prime Mindscapes. As there's an accumulation of experiences I had throughout my life, it'll be impossible to identify them all, and it will take a lot of time just to identify the real, long-term ones. As I'm learning, there seems to be Anti-mindscapes as well, overall uncomfortable things like wet socks after walking around all day in the rain (maybe getting rid of them is a path to another mindscape, wearing dry clothes and getting in a warm bed).
But as my mind accumulates mindscapes since my childhood and apparently I've been doing a good job expanding the portfolio of known mindscapes, so there is an obscene ammount of them already, and I can't trust every surfacing one (my mind is really full of cobwebs, I don't know how Dutch Streets and African Savanas got in there). I should rather investigate the undertones, the undercurrents, the themes and motifs behind them, and notice how recurring each theme is.
Maybe this requires some name-changing, and from this day on they'll be called Prime Undertones, because being undertones to actual mindscapes probably explains why I feel they are new experiences. Primers are more abstract and affect the surface events. And they seem to behave intertwinistically, as there can be several of them in one mindscape only. My first reaction was to have the ambition to create something that cointained all Primers in The One Mindscape, but soon I realized it's bordering-on-the-impossible complicated, as them Primers are really diverse and some of them are pairs of dualities, like a love for morning and the evening (also, I just realized I can ungap it all by finding a match for lone Primers). Maybe there's a way to insert dualities in an instaneous-like-emotional-response piece of art, but there's also sequential art to deal with that issue.
Thinking of it now, the time of the day is probably the most basic Undertones, Night and Day. And over them I can use some other Prime Undertones I've identified already, like the Rustic, the Bucolic, the Eerie (evolves to Lugubrious, and then to Gut-wrenchingness). Sour and Asymmetry, I'm learning, are probably just the more recent ones getting into the gallery. There are also some Sexualities I obviously am not going talk about here. But there's also the Golden, the Heraldic, the Slavic, the Warm Glow and oddly enough, something I'm calling Disney Fairytales (no, it's not one of the sexual undertones, I am afraid I don't quite have a taste for cartoon princesses). So far I'm finding out some complete wtf things, it's definitely like exploring an old cellar.
There's also the matter of emotional undertones being more influential than sensorial ones, and many more intrincacies so it will take time for me to elaborate the whole of it. But I'm enjoying the task, it's being a really interesting and amusing experience. I used to have a taste for tasting the world, but now it's getting insane, as I keep watching everything around me and trying to identify every little emotional response to every detail and the reason why they affect me the way they do. But this is making me learn so much about myself, and reaching the nuclearity of the motifs that fire my inspiration is doing me wonders.
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