I always find it hard to explain what a mindscape is, and the reason for so is that they vary highly in kinds. I could identify some kinds so far, and here they are seen as distinct ones, but in truth constantly several will interweave in one experience. It's still a highly underdeveloped categorization, so it'll look pretty cryptical, but I think writing it down will help me organize it a little furthar.
Emotional Mindscape: Simply known as "feelings". They influences the sensorial ones. For instance, when deeply in love, the wind and the air feels different.
Dreamful Mindscape: the emotional mindscape from when we wake up contaminated by an intense feeling we had in our dreams. Be an intense feeling of love, fear or the grief. It's dangerous to wake up reloving someone we have to forget.
Expectant Mindscape: the feeling we develop about something not real or that hasn't happened yet (that will turn out to be not real exactly because of that).
Neighbor Mindscape: it's a special kind of expectant mindscape, as we develop it to understand what other people are feeling. It comes from the saying "the neighbor's lawn is always greener", as the neighbor mindscape always makes us think of the mindscape experienced by the other to feel better than it might actually have been. It's the idea that someone who's living in another city is more fulfilled than us. This mindscape is some sort of a mindtrap, as it makes us forget that they are probably as lost and unfulfilled as we are.
Unseen Mindscape: the ones we aren't aware we are experiencing. For instance, the sense of place, the Genius Loci that each city has and that we are only aware during certain epiphanic moments. Can also be applied to things we are so used to we can't realize, such as the gender we belong to, or our body and our life simply as it is. So, because of some kind of Blindfold we can't see it. It's somehow related to the Neighbor Mindscape as in, could their mindscapes be real and it's unseen to them and not to us?
Anti-mindscape: If a mindscape is to be seen as a sensorial and emotional state that allows the mind to feel inspired, then things that bring us any sort of discomfort can't be considered an actual mindscape, but rather something that prevents us from achieving it. However, present anti-mindscapes, if experienced routinely, can become nostalgic mindscapes, such as the smell of campfire smoke and mud now bring me back memories (they are undertones).
Mental Mindscape: the experience in our heads, usually helped by soundtracked mindscapes, as songs help creates imagery. Emotional responses can be part of mental mindscapes, not sure yet.
Sensorial Mindscapes: the feelings experiences by our senses. Are the most pleasant ones, as sometimes emotional mindscapes don't always are too peaceful to be enjoyed.
Combined Mindscape: The combination of two or more senses to create a mindscape. Usually visual and musical, sometimes featuring the help of scents. Can be Ephiphanic.
Harmonic and Dissonant Mindscapes: a subcategory of combined mindscapes. Harmonic is when the sense are similar in meaning. Dissonant is the contrast among the senses.
Epiphanic Mindscapes: Those are the mindscapes experienced when senses get connected in a spectacular way, most commonly through Soundtracking. One can only prepare the ground for one (mostly by exploring Prime Undertones), but the epiphany itself is a random phenomenon. Not exactly rare, but immensely treasured nevertheless.
Soundtracked Mindscape: is a mindscape created with the help with music. It can be the combination with the outerworld. Can be Combined or Epiphanic.
Internal and External mindscapes: subcategories of the soundtrack mindscape. It's the way a song will estimulate a soundtracked mindscape. Internal means that the song works the way it feels naturally. External means the external quality of the song, such as the year it was made, for instance. The fact that you're listening to video game music on the bus is an external soundtracked mindscape (also epiphanic, dissonant and sometimes shameful).
Nostalgic Mindscapes: It's the recalling of past experiences. As they create our Prime Undertones, not every time it is a nostalgic mindscape, but a fondness towards a special feeling.
Routine Mindscapes: They happen after stablishing routines. They can be natural or artificial. I usually do the chores by listening to a different podcast with each one, so there's a routine that makes the task unique, almost like a rite. Can become nostalgic.
Moody Mindscape: the doing of a task is influenced by how well we feel doing them. Certain subjects feel good to study because they remind us of something, like studying History or Science reminds me of some childhood times when those subjects fascinated me. Gamification is one form of Moody Mindscape (studying makes my knowledge become solid, so it feels like getting experience and becoming stronger). Routine and Nostalgic Mindscapes can allow Moody Mindscapes. As it's constant, it's the opposite of the Epiphanic, which has an intense peak and quickly fades.
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