So the engines change their rhythm and I can only hope I can mantain this pace.
Solidity is probably the first main motif, the Wheel of my craving for development. I have a taste for certain realistic qualities, like shapes conveying a notion of depth and weight, of substance and presence. It has settled as my fundamental artistic principle, so it has become an upgraded cog in my mental machine, working as a ruling undercurrent. And fundamental as this undercurrent is, it enabled me to start mining motifs that are naturally intertwined with it.
Firm Grip was the next of the main principles. Firm Grip basically adds expressivity as a strong sense of identity. It's the artistical equivalent of intensity. Strong strokes and vibrant colors are examples of Firm Grip in drawings. As attention-grabbing as it is, it has to be controled not to become ridiculous and tiresome, though sometimes it can be used in all its intensity to arouse impact.
In illustrations, which are mostly static, these are basically the main undercurrents , though there were a lot more motifs that originated from them, and have a lot of importance as well. But so far these are the main ruling characters of my artistic principles, that were so overthought that they became unconscious and second-nature to me. But that doesn't mean they have to be ever-present.
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