Strange the way things can change all of a
sudden. All this work I’ve been doing here suddenly felt awkward, as if it was
wrong to keep doing this the same way I’ve been doing it all this time. I just
realized writing as much as I can isn’t really unloading my mind, plus all this
amount of thoughts all at once looks discouraging to read, even for myself. Not
to mention the thought of doing the same thing repeatedly through years sounds
nauseating to me.
So, suddenly as the new year has started, doing
it as I used to do isn’t going to work. I have to do something to revitalize
the place. I’m a little worried about my ideas, as they seem to be revolving
around the same objects over and over. I want to change the atmosphere here,
maybe make things lighter.
First thing, I feel I am losing track of my
ideas, I’m getting dreiberged here. Because of that, I’ll need to write texts
mostly about them so I will have my eye on them. I’m quite unhappy with the way
I’ve been naming ideas and how I’ve been choosing them, so I need more time to
see how I will deal with the themes. If they are going to be the same thing,
I’ll have to organize the thing. Maybe I can focus a month for a theme, like a
month for psychology, another month for history, but that needs some planning
and research, so I don’t want to jump around like this.
While that isn’t defined, I’ll start trying
find some use for all those I’ve had already. It’s as if I’ve become obsessed
with collecting ideas, and I think I’m missing their whole point. So the first
rule I have is about bringing all these little thoughts together. A lot of cog
studies scattered around, they are. I’m calling this the Eva Unit Rule. I want
to get all those little ideas to make one big engine from them. It’s as if I’ve
been thinking about them in isolated terms, and now I need to set them up
together forming bigger mechanical constructions with those cogs and pieces of
machinery. Also as I create these Eva Units, I’ll also try to mend missing
parts. By the end of the year, let’s see how many Eva Units I can have (or if
I’ll even carry this idea out).
One second thing I need to change, like right
now: being less like a teen’s blog complaining about life. For this, the
Volstead Rule. I want to dry this place of all the mourning and sorrow. Opening
my heart in texts has helped me, but I want things to feel more sober in here. Too
much emotional investment is going to let me scarred and I don’t want to take
the risk. And this way I will also force my troubles to be externalized in more
elegant manners, like making fiction and art out of them. Of course, there will
be some of these still, I won’t make it that strict of a prohibition act, but
their numbers will dwindle for sure.
Also, I’ll try to develop my writing now. So
far I’ve noticed my writing skills, specially in English, increase when I do
some reading sessions before writing. It puts me in the mood for dealing with
words, and it inspires me and sometimes I get myself contaminated with the
style. I can come with new expressions other than the usual template
expressions I have in here which is making me sick. To force myself to enhance
my writing skills and try to craft texts with more quality than quantity, I’ll
call these procedures part of the Globe Rule.
And another very important rule is what I’m
calling the Aegis Rule. It’s about how careful I have to be with the outsider
complex. It makes crests feel more engaging when it’s related to imagining
others’ lives, but it’s dangerous and I feel like it tears me in half as
something wants to flee from me. I need to work on that, because it’s when I
seem to feel whole and when I am exactly where I want to be is when I enter the
As I lost so much time in the last few months,
I want to make good use of it. At least I want to do something against
procrastination and the internet. I’m
calling this the Tardis Rule. So it will help me with this deadly deadline
ahead and I need to hurry (though maybe I should fix the configurations of the
deadline already). I want to be more effective in my usage of time. I can do so
much when using, say, 30% of my time, so I wonder what I could achieve with
getting close to 80% at least.
And this year I need to focus on my drawing
skills, because it’s decided I want to work with it as a profession. So as I
work with all aspects of developing techniques and skills related to this task,
I’ll have a rule to reinforce this decision. This will be the Vitruvian Rule.
This is the decision that drawing is the major skill that I want to be an
expert at, and I want my mental power to help it in all aspects. This is the
law that brings this skill above all else.
And there’s the Incendio Rule. This year I need
to develop my stringed story complete. At the end of the year I need to have their
places set and have at least some early sketch of the design of all characters.
I’ll spend the first semester focusing on research and exercises, and towards
the second half of the year I’ll try to go for the actual drawings. Also, at
the end of the year I’ll have to have a name for this story, or a name for the
world so I can at least talk about it directly (I won’t go for any petty name).
Hopefully by the deadline I’ll have one nice addition to my portfolio if I
follow the Incendio Vitruvian Combo.
And that wraps up my main concerns about this
year. With more time I’ll be able to define what sort of rule is coming for my
themes. I could have tried to impel some rule for it now, but the important
things usually need more time brewing. And for the rest, the Eva Unit,
Volstead, Globe, Aegis, Tardis, Vitruvian and Incendio, that’s what I guess
what I need to fix some of my most deceiving behaviors. Let’s see if need will
bring new ones and see how inaccurate I was in setting up a defense.