I was once watching this episode of Extra Credits about achievements in gaming, and it was quite interesting this sort of metalinguistical joke they made, using "achievement unlocked" signs to make fun of the subject. For instance, 1 minute down the video a sign popped up saying "Achievement Unlocked: Watched One Minute of the Episode".
The interesting part though was when they started saying "Now, we are not saying you shouldn't enjoy achievements" or whatever. A sign appeared saying "Achievement Unlocked: Fire Extinguisher". Cool stuff there. I've noticed we always have to explains ourselves like that, and you can usually spot a Fire Extinguisher when people go like "I'm not saying we should bring back nazism" or "I understand the other side but I still think it sucks". Boy it gets annoying having to make yourself this clear all the time. Having to protect yourself from petty realizations all the bloody time. I hate how Fire Extinguishers are basically used to say "I'm not fucking stupid, ok?".
Now, I'm not saying I think fire extinguishers are a bad thing (achievement unlocked: metatrap, kind of). I guess they're vital for writing and thinking, they sure help you doublethinking. And you can never know for sure what people are going to interpret from your writings, and sometimes neither the writer nor the reader are to blame (though I believe most of the time it's the first). And I think one of the Milestones needed to achieve a satisfying text is dedicating one small part of the text towards making things clear with the audience.
Also, I guess Fire Extinguishers can be analogized into other systems...
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