You see, life is incredibly hard. It's us against just everything. The cold, the heat, the high, the heavy, the wild. It's all about facing nature. If we go live in a cave there'll certainly be a cave disease. If we go to a forest there'll be a forest disease. If we go to the moon, well, the moondust will be there to prey on us too (look it up). It's like nature keeps always telling us we're so insignificant when everywhere we go we learn our fragility once again.
Damn, not even our own bodies can be trusted. Our bones, our blood, our skin, our organs, them all are wearing out by the day and in the future there'll be a disease that will handicap us (that's a possibility even if you live healthly, nature just doesn't care). And then we've got all extremely complicated human interactions wearing out our minds. Sometimes we feel like it's us against everybody. We experience loneliness, exclusion, loss, injustice, betrayal. Life is so full of hardships it's amazing we find ourselves able to be alive, or healthy. Being sane enough to be happy then, it's pratically a miracle, and yet we barely acknowledge that.
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