If there's anything that keeps me find the world fascinating, it's the ammount of diversity around us.
See, everybody is different, everybody has got a unique spice inside them. Everybody's got their own lifestory due to their particular background. So be it the way that city you were raised in affected your tastes or the way relationships affected your maturity, all those previous things will make you stand unique. Everybody has got something new to bring to the table. It's the thing about the bands. Let's consider the instruments are played averagely, but the singer's voice is always a unique instrument (although that's something not necessarily positive!).
As a brazilian person, I can bring elements characteristic to my referencial universe (Brazilian culture) that other referencial universes probably won't feature this clearly (remember some things being easier to realize in drawing than it's in playing music?). You can see that happening everywhere, basically in anything culture-related.
I think that's one of the ways to improve over the standard formulas mentioned previously, so art can always show us new and interesting things.
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