String scrolls, most specifically the fourth
one, is something I’ve been giving some thought lately. I’ve been thinking
between fights and dialogues, and it’s one of those logical choices that I
don’t know I didn’t see before. Clearly, scourgers attack me when they hit my
Being affected by them depends more on Alpha
and Omega than Gamma and Sigma, because them scourgers are always around. High alpha levels prevent them from gathering a
chained downfall, but I always feel them, shadow cloaks sneaking in the
corners. All but furtive and menacing whispers; smokey presences that vanish
with a scornful laughter.
Even still, while some scourgers can both enact
lines of thought and also engage in violent outbursts, the way Wormtongue is
mostly the figure in my shoulder being so persuasive and poisonous, there are
always these creatures that are too intense for me to expect them to do
anything but savagely seek destruction.
They are going to be called Chthonic Scourgers,
so I can focus on these beasts that are violence, like Nachzehrer and
Sackgasser. They are dormant or chained creatures deprived of the world’s
light. Being dragons, tarrasques or cthulhu-like monsters, these are indeed
where I can invest in my taste for epic events.