One of the greatest moments in this month was
this sudden increase of my drawing skills by practicing the Planner’s Eye. It
makes the actual skills rust slower but all in all this fourth specimen of
mental modeling is giving me enough ideas that even my slow drawing skills can
benefit from.
I’ve been practicing them through some sieging
effort, seeing it everywhere, it’s even as if my mind is developing this skill
all by itself. These are ideas regarding volume and proportion of shapes and
geometric figures. It’s something that I can feel a lot in cartoon characters,
specially Disney’s, but this sort of mental modeling of vertices can also be
felt in cars and logos and everywhere design and visual creation is used (the
modeling can also be applied to colors, tuning up its intensity, or imagining
different shades).
That is one of the ideas that have helped me
through the crisis of the last month even when I stopped drawing. Seeing those
inspirational shapes around me has given me some zephyr winds for me to breath
nicely again, and I have the intention of using these ideas for creation of my
own imagery after so much restraint of creation and release of reproduction.
The breaking dawn of my creativity is happening (if I can just survive this
never-ending sigma storm).
Is the capability of seeing objects as blocks,
basically. Geometric shapes help me understand the whole silhouette, or
individual importance of smaller components. I see objects as a compound of
these blocks, each one of them having their own sort of identity. For instance,
tanks. The isolated existence of the hull, or the turret (and the position of
the hatch), or then the shape of wheels. It’s about seeing the impression they
give individually, and then mounting them to give the overall feeling a tank
transmits. Or then, a lion head, seeing a triangle between his eyes and the nostrils,
and manipulating this vertice (then it becomes vertice modeling). It is also
something I see a lot in hairstyles, the way the hair volume plays with the
identity of the face.
This is an ability that is very close to the
other ones, and it’s something I have to be careful about. It’s very easy for
one ability to suddenly become another one and back again. It’s this
boundlessness that is very worrying, but only for the matter of categorization,
as this is actually what makes new ideas slowly become apparent.