Monday, December 31, 2012

Of the everywhereness of my thoughts

A whole bunch of my ideas revolve around the issue of having ideas. This investigation on trances is the head of this interest. It’s about the hows, whys, whens and wheres. There is certainly a lot to be thought about each one, but lately I’ve been thinking a little more about when and where my thoughts happen.

When I need to write my texts, I sit down and look at the bunch of annotations I have for each text, and usually I find myself staring at the words, but usually they don’t mean a thing. The quintessence isn’t ignited. And it seems that staying there simply forcing the thoughts to come doesn’t work at all.

There’s one working pattern that has caused a certain adherence that is how I usually stare at the texts and try working on them, and then I go to the window or go for a walk, and as I seem to create a palliative sieging then I see the idea around. There it goes the ignition of the quintessence and I can analyze it again.

It’s not a technique that works perfectly, because there can be no trance at all because I am too troubled by other matters to concentrate on the issue, and if everything is okay and I have the trances and I might have a whole world of new ideas for texts and I get lost in the locking of writing that specific text.

So this is a good reminder to myself when I feel I have to be dedicating my whole time to this blog, when it doesn’t have to mean sitting in front of a screen and typing everything. In fact, I am most productive the more I am out there in the world. I always need some golden meditation so I can wrap them and the thoughts simply come when the analogies get connected for equations and motifs and ideas to come up.