Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Of hobbies

When I listen to a voice for a long time, it seems my mind stores all its possible pronounciations and tones and idiossyncrasies and whatnot. It's weird then that the voice starts wandering around my mind and I can play with it in my head, thinking of things that voice can say. Sometimes I like thinking of things its owner would never say. So I can imagine that cute girl delivering a "oh i like you too, handsome" in a much more believable way, despite being utterly pathetic.

So one of these days Hitler speeching showed up in my mind. Mind you, I know as much German as the average eskimo. That didn't prevent me from manipulating the sounds somehow I know are unique to the german language. I don't know if in-between the nein, nein, nein's I was making him say "Squash that rebel scum" or "I'm selling these fine leather jackets", but it was still entertaining. Hey, um, I guess it's pretty much how I play with music in my head, which I mentioned in a previous entry.

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