Sunday, May 15, 2011

Of Petty Realizations

One of these days I was thinking about my thoughts, and I realized I've been doing all sorts of symbolizations, and instantly I've realized it was something bad. Then I thought "why?". Why is that realizing something makes it automatically wrong? Sure, maybe I'm not aware of the drawback of using symbols (I actually am, I know sometimes they can simplify things way too much), but I was too quick to judge.
And then I realized that this instant polarization is wrong. Is that a metatrap there? No, I was careful with that, and this one is wrong. A lot of things started making sense. I've noticed I do that a lot (mainly to myself), and I see some behaviors out there that match the symptoms.

This go beyond just quick assumptions and conclusionings. Here the realizations are special because of this whole subversiveness, this immediate polarization against things we realize, without really pondering if the rejection is actually needed. These are realizations we have to be careful with. I see a lot of this kind of shallow realizations when I see people analyzing other people's behaviors, the way they react to other's mistakes.

And then I came to think, this has something to do with respect. Or the lack of it, more specifically. When I try thinking of something or someone I respect, I notice that they're free from my petty realizations. It's simple: we criticize things we don't trust. We don't respect things we don't trust. Try watching how people react to things they don't trust, like the government, or the mass media, or even other people. But I'll dedicate a proper entry to this whole distrustfulness going on.

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