Thursday, April 28, 2011

Of intensity

Maybe we have to trigger our intensity in order to let things touch us.
But it's something risky. That world outside is a powerful motherfucker.

Just try it.

Try experiencing it, the world. Try bringing it all in. Try knowing all the ways the world can marvel you. Try knowing all the ways the world can put you down.
Try experience them, people. Try getting intimate with someone and bathing yourself in their essence and letting them bathe in your essence. Try to bear with the realization of the limits of that connection.
Try experiencing yourself. Pushing yourself to your limits. Displaying all your potential. Trying unleashing all your love, all your feelings. Endless flow, unrestrained. You're bound to unleash the agony of getting a whole world trapped inside of you without any chance of most of it ever making its way out. Our body is a cage much too little for a beast much too big.
The world inside is a powerful motherfucker as well.

But what should one do?
Be afraid of the journey - the pressure of the journey?

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