Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Of spell battles

As recently I’ve been trying to understand Ushag, it’s been gathering a strength that has been doing me great harm. But the feeling of being such a worm-like ball of pathetic stupidity has been bringing the revolt of one who hadn’t been truly strong in a long time.

As Ushag has been dominant for most of my life and probably the reason why I’ve woke up so late for my dreams, Trygve is the one who can face him. After all, even before the Sour Fuel was noticed, it was from the rage and distress that this place was born. It is a very fortunate discovery, to see that invincible scourger having one enemy destroying his plans.

It’s still quite rare, but now and then I’ve done this chest action of turning Trygve against Ushag, making the bastard flee cowardly, terrorized by Trygve’s berserk attitude, and he ransacks the abandoned resources. He harvests it as strength. From the little breach in the weakness Ushag brings me, Zhu Rong can use that energy for guarding Hephaestus. Together they start charging my way to a powerful trance. But the Lead Warrior can’t always be blocked off, especially if there’s that mysterious saboteer by his side making Hephaestus’ spells to weaken and die away.

This way the Scourgers return. Csillag builds in me the regret for doing what I am not, while Qareen is distant watching the scene, grinning disdainfully. Following the blowing horns, Ushag returns, escorted by Wormtongue.

One other wordless spell that I’m discovering is to summon Áine. It’s the easiest summoning of all, though sometimes I don’t have enough sensibility that can make her quintessence burn inside me. Her rain washes the lands and, just like Professor Quirrell, the Scourgers scream in pain with her love. The trance that can enable Áine’s Floods heal Hephaestus when he’s so wounded he couldn’t get up. She’s got the power to make him at least stand up and head to a safer place.

From there, the war can be brought to a halt by Vesta’s Spell while I’m standing in shock, as I’m usually is when Scourgers are this close to the victory in their attempts to kill Hephaestus. But Hephaestus is determined too, and he’s soon outside, foolish as he is to walk to see the world he loves, with his wounds far from being healed. Vesta sighs.

Spells happen lightspeedly fast, so when I had these battle sequences, they lasted for a few seconds, which is faster than my thoughts would think. And yet, I could follow the speed and by slowing it down I could tell the characters apart. I still can’t summon my flames when I want them (and I think I can’t summon Hephaestus without all the preparation), but maybe that is a matter of time.

Also, I hate having hypothetical dreaming that have no use (here it is, the mysterious saboteer), but I also wonder if I could do some Extension Spell and keep the part where my flames are with the advantage…

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