Friday, November 30, 2012

Of exploration and connective repetition

Brand new worlds to explore is always an intriguing challenge to face. Be it burdensome or exhilarating, these experiences are always worthy of being given analysis and dissection. As exploration is an event that happens in all systems, analogies here are easy for it to give birth to new equations and motifs (yeah, I guess when analogies are around it’s going to be mostly equations).

When entering a whole new world, the first thing I find is an asphyxiating amount of interdependent vertices to deal with. This is the moment of the scare when what we have to learn seems limitless. It’s like this when learning a new language or subject, or exploring a new city and artistic techniques.

After the first big scare when we wander through vertices and each time there’s more and more of them, the constant exploration first gives us repetition. It’s always been for me a sign of relief, as that means the incoming of vertices is showing signs of dwindling.

After the first repetition, usually one of the bigger vertices (third-level braudelian vertices), like the most common or frequently used technique, or the bigger venue through the city, it’s only a matter of time before the smaller vertices (second and first level vertices) will be repeated. So, this way I find my way through the overwhelming amount of information and now I am going to be able to establish patterns. And it all slowly becomes connected.

Thinking about it, although I have come to this subject with some frequency, I don’t have any charting of the themes and motives in exploring and learning like this, even if the braudelian measures cover everything so well. But I’ve found one connective repetition here (and I hope next keep coming). Also, I’m glad I’m having a new idea like this, and it makes me so frantic about this discovery that it seems the causal adherence and assumption about considering these thoughts to be the greatest discoveries seem correct.