Friday, August 31, 2012

Of Icebergian Problematization

All ideas can be developed from one little seed to a grand motif, and beyond. Each idea can evolve depending on how much effort I pay to them. The more I dissect it, the more it will grow. With care and discipline these ideas can one day be fully developed, but until then I have to face the problems the current underdevelopment brings.

Three or four paragraph long texts aren’t enough to express any idea. It’s not enough to examine all vertices. It’s just one little presentation to the theme. There’s a whole world of consequences and subtleties revolving around it that must be perceived in order to let any idea to feel working.

For a while, my four paragraphs are around the most I can think of in the first attempt. However, the release of these ideas helps me clean my mind for improvements. It can be either through a later realization of something I said wrong, or then letting it come back in the future with the natural expansion that happens when I leave it untouched for a while.

However, the success of my self-taught approach depends on my capacity to keep finding new vertices to dissect and examine. As I find new vertices to polish I can slowly make my ideas more solid as I learn of more complex and subtle vertices. This is the way through which I can make this project really stand firm if I’m going to present it to the world someday.

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