Friday, August 31, 2012

Of unreached depths

Think of all the things you wish you could have, and you never could. Some of them might someday be within your reach, and maybe you’ll have the sense of failure for not being able to reach them now. However, it’s the failure that doesn’t compare to the complete incapability to ever fulfill these desires.

There are too many possibilities in the world for us to know them deeply. Your time to explore the corners of the world is far too short to learn and experience all of them in depth. Our passage through most themes, places and people’s lives are mostly superficial.

It’s about the dreams that are denied to us. It is in the is heights of trees we can’t climb and depth of lakes we can’t breath so far as to dive down there. You can dream of the space, the moon and the stars, but you could never get out of this world and so deep into this next one. These are all the secrets to be explored that will remain unknown for us.

The cruelest form of this feeling of things we can’t touch is with all these people who refuse to let you get close. Your soul is perceived by others and judged unworthy. You can’t become their friends, their significant others, you can’t have them tell of their special memories.

The pleasure and rewards you once thought you could have under the perspective of a future full of possibilities and you slowly realize, with sorrow, that you’ve been too innocent to think that they could become real. You were innocent even in your patient hope it could have been possible someday.

It can be the frustration that comes with the inability, be it something logistically impossible to achieve or literally to reach, or just lack of skill that prevents you from getting to the hidden secrets. Sometimes we have to be humble and give up from tasks that bring exigencies beyond our skills.

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