Friday, August 31, 2012

Of Zephyrous Windstorms

It’s interesting how here are always new things coming to my life. Every period of hazes and overall tediousness is followed by these new discoveries that are shaping my future. Every one or two months I find a beacon of light that satisfies my mind from tediousness and keep my enthusiasm going.

It can be a new band, or a new kind of movie, or some book or graphic novel. It can be this amazing new idea, or then a new friendship or even those short-lived romantic relationships that only seemed to show signs of promising tomorrows. These series or books or girls or new discoveries that make me so enchanted are always coming into my life from time to time.

They help me in making my mental grounds safe from most of the Scourgers’ attacks. At least Iis becomes weakened as the passion that makes me protected from emptiness and prostration. They are powerful enough to last and they can easily define one generation. So, they can be Delta Stones to be kept in my Delta Files.

One of the most important characteristic of zephyrous storms is that they usually come in spite of my efforts. Though I find new music mostly looking for new music, these storms are mostly unexpected. They always appear around certain situations that when I’m finding myself in them, I’m unconsciously looking for it nearby.

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