Friday, August 31, 2012

Of statistical improvement

I have a taste for things that can be improved, for things that show edges to be polished. It’s one of the reason I always enjoyed RPGs. They were always made of statistics that you could find, like the height and speed and things that can be measured, improved.
The range attack of your bow, or the pressure your shield could take; these are statistical vertices that can be improved.

It’s one of the reasons I enjoyed games that showed this curve of development around these statistics. At the beginning of the journey you were slow, weak and clumsy, but designers knew of this idea of vertices and knew how pleasant it felt to have them upgraded. Soon you had boots that increased the jump height, or weapons that had as characteristics these improved statistics, such as wider blasts or greater firepower.

This gamified concept can be brought to all my areas of developing skills. My music playing skills can be made of statistics that I can evaluate and focus my martial efforts to develop it. I can see how loud my strokes are, or how fast I can play. It can also be, for instance, how long I can play before getting tired, so I practice to extend that time.

The vertices depend on my perception of the surroundings. There’s the logistics surrounding the strokes or things related to the drawing itself, but there’s also how patient I can be and for how long I can dedicate myself to making one drawing. Usually it’s in one of these vertices that lies one nuclear flaw. 

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